Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tara Lain Sweet

Hearts and Flour (Kindle Edition)
I am always waiting for Tara's next book set in Laguna Beach. While this one isn't part of the "Balls" series, it still has the same great quirky characters that all of the books in this setting do. And that is what I love most about these books. The sense of community and friends that live in these books.

A troubled childhood has Micah living his life under tight health conscious control, not leaving much room for other's non-healthy life styles. After a crap-tastic day of his best customers coming to his raw food store with (gasp) cupcakes, finding his boyfriend in his bed with someone not him and kicking him out..well maybe it's time to go to an Anti-Valentine's day party and drown his sorrows in some organic wine.

Quentin with his Grandma Mary Beth have just moved to Laguna Beach from the South, where gay gentlemen don't come out to anyone. Even their very loving, hip Grandmas. And starting over with a cupcake bakery using Mary Beth's recipes, he still thinks he needs to keep his secret. Which he has always hidden using a drag persona named Queen. And it's as Queen he attends and catches the eye of Micah at the Anti-Valentine party.

What follows are misunderstandings, blackmail, re-evaluations of beliefs and reveling of secrets on a path to love. This is just a sweet story that touches your heart, like all of Tara's stories do. Her characters are warm, real people who are learning life lesson as you read their journeys to their happily ever after.

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