My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A lighter hearted visit with Dev and Garrett from Unf;nshed. The guys have been together about a year now. They have gone through lots of ups and downs. They have worked at compromise and being what the other needs, even if that means space from the other. And both are still committed to each other, still willing to do what it takes to be with each other. They both want a forever, but each is waiting for the other to say it first.
Christmas is a very stressful time for Dev, it reminds him that his Grandma is with him any longer. Add the stress from his job and he might be teetering on the edge. He’s going to need Garrett by his side, especially after his mom invites them to dinner on Christmas Eve. To say it didn’t go well is an understatement. But it does help Garrett see that he wants to commit to Dev in a permanent way. He devises a plan with help from Kim to do just that.
After this book, I will never look at pancakes and permanent markers the same way ever again. The gang from the first story show up in this one and are as much fun here as they were there. This was a wonderful follow-up story, I loved it.
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