My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Sparkly, sassy and all kinds of fun are had in this book. Along with the very serious problems of addiction, dependence, rehab and the host of emotional issues that comes with that.
I love Trent. He has snark down to an art form. Just like his use of eyeliner and lip gloss. Some of it is just who he is, but some of it is the uniform he uses to get through the reality of having grown up with a gambling addict step father, who stole everything Trent had. All the while showering Trent with constant homophobic slurs. Trying his best to keep his Rainbow skating rink open and a roof over his mother’s head, he’ll do whatever he has to. This time it’s a reality show with him teaching the fine points of skating to some of the Railers hockey goons. Trent has had more than his fair share of trouble at the hands of hockey players. He’s expecting these guys to be no different. But they are, especially one named Dieter.
Dieter is finally getting his shot at the NHL. And he’s not going to let anything, like pain from a knee injury stop him. Not when he has some little pills that take away the pain. And if a couple help with the pain, well, a few more can’t hurt. Right? Anything that gets him through the day is all good. He’s one of the several Railers that are going to improve their skating skills with, of all things, a figure skater. But one look and Trent and he’s hooked.
The chemistry between Trent and Dieter starts at the first look and keeps building. But Dieter’s addiction is something that Trent needs to work through. As the saying goes, he’s been there and done that with an ex. And, also with his lying, stealing, cheating step father.
Loved Trent’s grandmother, she is such a hoot (even if she is a Flyers fan). And having the guys from the team in this story is a treat. I can’t wait for the next in this series. If you like sports stories, you need to read this. Even if you don’t, read this one anyway, as well as the rest of the series. It’s that good.
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