My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This story is so full of angst. There are so many emotions you feel while reading this book. You are standing on the outside of the story, looking in and you want to so badly reach into the story and help both Adrian and his brother Gabriel.
Adrian show up in the previous story, Obey. And frankly, he was an ass. He treated Lucian so abominably. He was bitter and cruel and I hated him. So, I was intrigued to see how the author was going to remake him into a lovable character. Who would be strong enough to take on all of Adrian’s emotional baggage. As you read, you start to understand who Adrian really is. You see the reasons behind the external persona that he shows to the world. And at times it breaks your heart.
Sterling is the owner of The Shepherd and a Dom of a different stroke. Many other masters use pain, humiliation and other mean of control. But Sterling is a ‘kill them with kindness’ type of Dom. That is the kind of domination that he feels Adrian needs. And if he must give up his control and submit, so be it. In the long run it will give him what he wants, Adrian.
As with the first two books, this one is well written. The characters and the emotional impact of the story keeps you reading. I’m hoping that Gabriel gets the next story. And I’m hoping that more characters are added to this world. Because I’m selfish and want more stories set in this world.
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