Spark by
Posy Roberts
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
I’m having a hard time with this review. Although I loved the story told here, getting a second chance at love, I had trouble with how much Kevin hide himself from his dad and the rest of the world. I found him a bit selfish in the beginning, as in wanting to have his cake and eat it too. He wanted Hugo but wasn’t going to give up trying to please his dad. So, he dated girls and did what dad expected him to. Which hurt Hugo. I also had trouble with how fast they both fell back into love with each other, after 17 years and Kevin having been married, with children and never out. Hugo found out about his ex-boyfriend cheating on him, so he’s taken a time out from the dating world. But is ready to jump back in as soon as he meets Kevin again.
And yet as the story develops, you realize what each man has gone through to get them to a point where they know and understand themselves. More so Hugo than Kevin. Kevin is still a work in progress, dealing with the issues left from the ghost of his dad. You feel for Kevin, as he tries to balance children, work and he need for Hugo, along with the real though of having to express his bisexuality to the people in his world.
Hugo has a few secrets of his own, and one is named Miss Cherrie Pop. He understands the caution Kevin is using, so he fears a little how will Kevin react to Hugo doing drag? (On a note, I didn’t care for Ginger and what she did on stage. Not her tale to tell, ever.)
As with all of this author’s stories, it’s well written. The characters are very human, with all of foibles most of us have. It keeps you turning the pages. She has seamlessly combined Hugo’s and Kevin’s history with their present-day story. I do agree with another reviewer, it does end a bit abruptly. I am looking forward to the next part of the story.
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