Score by
A.E. Wasp
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
Beau has drifted along playing minor league hockey for years. He could have made it to the big show, but that would take more work than he’s ever wanted to do. But he’s reaching an age where even a minor league career might be over for him. Pressure from his family has him thinking about life after hockey. So does meeting Connor, when his beloved Lady Gaga minivan breaks down.
Connor got pulled out of the Marine Corp and back home when his parents where killed in a car accident. According to the wills, he is now the sole guardian of his four step siblings. He knows nothing about raising kids, so winging it, he does. But when things start to overwhelm him, with Social Services breathing down his neck, he finally asks for help. That help comes in the form of easy on the eyes (blue hair not withstanding) Beau.
The kids add so much to this story and the feelings it generates. The author did an incredible job with giving each child its own personality. Sean, a moody teenager. Stuck in that place between child and adult. Little Benji, the youngest and sometimes the wisest. Quiet and shy Micah, who loves hockey. And Fiona, growing up as fast as Sean is. I absolutely loved Mac and Cheese. Hands down the best names ever for Guinea pigs.
This is a beautiful, gentle, slow building romance. You want to take your time and savor this story. You will laugh, you will cry and there will be places where you say ‘ah’. You will want to reach into the story and smack ‘The Walrus’. And gently shake both Connor and Beau for being stupid. Neither one wants to upset the apple cart by asking for more than what they think is only a temporary fling. The author has done an amazing job with this book. It has everything you want in a romance. It’s about the connection, friendship and the chemistry. This is a story I would recommend to everyone.
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