When Doves Cry
And cry you will. You will ride an emotional rollercoaster.
You will wonder what the author was thinking when she wrote this story. Because
if you’ve read this series, then you know the couple that started it, Alex and
Shane. They also finish it, since this is the last story. I do think you need
to read this series in order.
I was so upset at the start of this book, and yet I kept
reading. I know this author and I knew there had to be a reason for what
happened. And there was. Simon needed Shane as much as Shane needed him. It was
a heart wrenching and emotional to follow where this story took you. And yet at
the end you sigh and say okay. Yes, I feel good about this ending.
As with all of Aria’s books, this was well written. The
story pulls you through the pages. You see old friends show up here and realize
you missed them.
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.